The question of how to dress for a job interview is one that has
been asked for years, it is also an experience that many have undertaken and
got either perfectly right, or horribly wrong. For those of us who decide
that a new job is necessary to bring a little life back to our careers, it is
ridiculous if we allow all the good work we did in putting together a great
application and finding an attractive opportunity to be thrown away by what we
We looked at tackle this problem by exploring the best outfit
options that will help you standout at the interview, and give you the best
chance of getting the job. Of course, the answers you give will count for
something, too!
What Not to Do
Let us get something out of the way right off the
bat. Going for the same old trouser suit and dull blouse is not going
to get you anywhere. Such a look screams ‘vanilla,’ and as you know, while
trusty, vanilla is boring and does almost nothing to make it notable.
So, we’re looking for something different, something fresh, and
something exciting. This is how you will stand out in an interview this year.
Bright and Bold
Some of the biggest colours dominating fashion this year are
bright greens, pinks, and yellows. While a first think about those might make
you feel like you are going to be dressed like a highlighter pen, they actually
look very tasteful and classy, and will work wonders in bringing your trouser
suit to life if you still opt for it.
The contrast between the professional looking and attire and the
playful yet serious colour blocks will mean that you command attention wherever
you are, it will boost your confidence a treat, too.
Play With Patterns
It is easy to fall into the ‘block colours only’ mentality when
going for a job interview, but with patterns a huge part of modern fashion you
would be foolish not to consider them. A polka dot or floral dress, for
example, is a departure away from the traditional interview look yet will still
make you look classy and formal. You could even pair the dress with a tailored jacket
to add an even more professional edge.
Striped blouses are a great way to add a little something to a
suited look, and are especially useful if wearing the bold colours we looked at
earlier isn’t for you!
The rules are simple when it comes to jewellery, everything you
wear should be understated and fit in naturally with your look. Opting for a
large mock-diamond ring or necklace might get you attention, but almost
certainly not the kind you want.
Stick to small earrings and your wedding bands, rather than
going over the top and trying to dazzle.
Pick out great fashions to help you stand out at a job interview
this year. Most importantly, ensure you feel comfortable, confident, and ready
to show that not employing you would be a huge mistake.
Aab Collection is an
e-commerce retailer selling Islamic clothing, such as hijab,
kaftan dresses, predominantly aimed at Muslim women with multiple roles to play
in today's society. A kaftan dress is a tasteful and elegant option for a woman
to wear to a job interview.